Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cool etsy people!

I meet the neatest people on Etsy! One person I met this week is Blair from Mountainavenbaby.etsy.com I am making her daughter a dress and I didn't have enough fabric and AMAZINGLY she had the exact fabric I needed. She is sending it to me and I am making the dress for her!

Next I met Carleen from creationsbycarleen.etsy.com and we are trading a skirt (I made) for jewelry (she made). Cool. Here is something I bought from her:

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Friday!!

I love Fridays. And the best thing is you know no matter how long the week seems that good old Friday is waiting for you at the end of that week! Yeah! I work my full time job at the library all week so on the weekend I get happy because I can sew! Saturday I will make a trip to the fabric store to get some fabric for my latest order, a skirt, and maybe do a little shopping with my daughters. Fun!!
I talked to my sister this week and she is thinking of opening a shop on Etsy. She is a Botanical Healer and she makes cool herbal products from her homegrown organic herbs. Cute Hamster!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kendall is a model!

My neighbor Kendall modeled a couple of items from my shop and she did a great job! She was so well behaved and seemed to enjoy herself! I have posted the pics on my etsy website. Here is one!
Also, I sent a customer her order of the red kyoko dress and now she would like a tie for her 2 year old son to match the dress. I got a pattern for that from this link:http://www.purlbee.com/the-purl-bee/2009/3/3/mollys-sketchbook-little-boys-tie.html
We'll see how it turns out. Today is the first day of fall, I love it! The only problem is having to get up in the dark :(

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Friday!

It's September 11th, thoughts to all how lost someone in the 9/11 tragedy 8 years ago.
It is really starting to get chilly here in Maryland! Time to start working on Fall clothes in earnest. Maybe going to football tonight, unless it rains. I may have a little model for the jacket I made and I hope to take the pictures this weekend. In the meantime I am finishing a kimono dress and curtains for teacher Kim.
I will also be watching the US Open....go Rafa!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What's up?!

Wow! Busy times! I have 2 daughters and they both had big news! One is getting married (July 2010) and one is expecting her first child (April 2010). Exciting!
I have gotten a few more sales on Etsy and some more sewing work through contacts in my local area (slipcovers and curtains). I am expecting some pictures from a patron of my store. She is sending me pics of her daughter wearing one of my dresses. Can't wait! Went camping this weekend and did a little sewing. Dogs love camping!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Busy sooooo busy!

When I start a sewing project, inevitably I find that I learn something new. Even during the short time that I have had my Etsy shop, I have learned so much! I think that seeing people's reaction to my collection and what items they order is so interesting and I really enjoy trying to follow up with what my customers seem to like and add more things that they might be interested in. I am doing a little bit of "home decor" sewing which is not my favorite, but is still enjoyable. I am altering the dress I made for Emelia (too big) which is really a challenge! I also made a pretty dress for a little girl in Texas and her mom is going to send me pictures of her in it. I will post them when I get them. I am also asking a friend of mine if I can use her daughter as a model for some of my clothing. She is 2 and very cute!